
  • MEF CIS 2022
    MEF CIS 2022

    On March 18, 2022, the International Economic Forum of the CIS Member States MEF CIS-2022 “Green Agenda in the CIS countries: cooperation in development” was held at the WTC Congress Center.

  • UNIDO supports the 4IR technologies in Iran
    UNIDO supports the 4IR technologies in Iran

    A new platform for broadcasting Iranian cultural and sports events in the form of virtual reality (VR), „Didaro“, was unveiled on 9 March 2022. Participants of the launching event, including public sector officials and artists, were able to see the „Zhepto“ theater live on their VR glasses. The platform was developed by the National Foundation for Digital Content Entrepreneurship and with the support of the Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare (MCLSW), and UNIDO, which have implemented the Business Development and Sustainable Job Creation Project (BDSJCP), jointly.

  • Open dialogue “Situational center. Efficient Production 4.0”
    Open dialogue “Situational center. Efficient Production 4.0”

    Director of the CIIC UNIDO Moscow Mr. Sergey Korotkov took part online in the Round table “Situational center. Efficient Production”, which took place within the framework of the practical industrial Conference “Efficient Production 4.0”. The conference was organized by the Tsifra Group of Companies.

  • Meeting of the RF CCI Committee on Nature Management and Ecology
    Meeting of the RF CCI Committee on Nature Management and Ecology

    On March 15, 2022, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation held a meeting of the Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation on Nature Management and Ecology, dedicated to the preparation of proposals for priority measures to support Russian business.

  • II All-Russian Forum and Business Support Infrastructure Award “My Business”
    II All-Russian Forum and Business Support Infrastructure Award “My Business”

    Sergey Korotkov spoke at the session “Fresh ideas for small businesses. World Practices and Successful Cases” as part of the II All-Russian Forum and Entrepreneurship Support Infrastructure Award “My Business”, organized by ANO Sberbank Corporate University.

  • UNIDO helds dialogue to support the energy industry of Georgia
    UNIDO helds dialogue to support the energy industry of Georgia

    The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) has implemented a number of initiatives in the energy sector of Georgia in 2021. Mr. Jacek Cukrowski, Head of UNIDO Regional Coordination for Europe and Central Asia, said UNIDO assisted Georgia in the implementation of the EU Directive on Energy Efficiency within the EU Association Agreement with Georgia, signed in June 2014, and contributed to the first draft of the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP).

  • UNIDO and International Organization of the Francophonie join forces for investment promotion
    UNIDO and International Organization of the Francophonie join forces for investment promotion

    Fatou Haidara, UNIDO Managing Director for Corporate Management and Operations, has represented UNIDO at the investment forum, “Investir en Francophonie”, at the World Expo Dubai (UAE). Coorganized by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the Organization de la Francophonie (OIF), the Direction de la Francophonie économique et numérique (DFEN), the Forum Francophone des Affaires (FFA), the Réseau international des Agences francophones de promotion des investissements (RIAFPI), this important investment forum shed light on the attractivity of the Francophone economic space for investors.

  • A ceremonial event dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the foundation of the ICIE was held
    A ceremonial event dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the foundation of the ICIE was held

    A solemn event dedicated to the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the International Congress of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (ICIE) was held in Moscow. The stakeholders, members and partners of the organization took part in the event.

  • Japan and UNIDO sign agreement on sustainable plastic value chains project in Nigeria
    Japan and UNIDO sign agreement on sustainable plastic value chains project in Nigeria

    Nigeria’s Federal Ministry of Environment, the Embassy of Japan in Nigeria, and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), have signed a JPY 319 million (approximately US$2.8m) agreement to support government efforts to develop sustainable plastic waste management through the promotion of circular economy practices and to contribute to inclusive and sustainable industrial development of Nigeria.

  • UNIDO DG Gerd Müller, calls for a strong AU-EU partnership on climate and energy at EU industry days 2022
    UNIDO DG Gerd Müller, calls for a strong AU-EU partnership on climate and energy at EU industry days 2022

    Gerd Müller, UNIDO Director General intervened at the EU Industry days and stressed the importance of global solidarity to achieve the twin green and digital transition.