The UNIDO CIIC took part in the Congress of the VEO of Russia
March 31, 2023
On March 31, 2023, the Congress of the Free Economic Society of Russia was held at the Taurida Palace in St. Petersburg.
More than 4500 people took part in the events of the Congress of the VEO of Russia — representing the academic, educational and business communities, government authorities and public organizations, leading scientists and specialists from 72 regions of Russia and 15 foreign countries: Austria, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Brazil , Great Britain, Germany, Greece, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, France. Sergey Bodrunov, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, has been re-elected President of the VEO of Russia for the next five years.
The scientific part of the Congress of the VEO of Russia hosted the VIII St. Petersburg International Economic Congress. Within the framework of expert discussions, a wide range of opinions on the issues of scientific, technical and industrial policy in the context of global transformations was presented by more than 300 scientists and specialists. The moderator of SPEC-2023 is Vice-President of the VEO of Russia, Director of the Center for Contemporary Marxist Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Professor Alexander Buzgalin.
“It is necessary to develop international technological cooperation and industrial cooperation, build up industrial potential on a qualitatively new basis, replacing the technological damage from the departure of former partners and outstripping competitors through the development of the most advanced areas of the industry,” said Sergey Bodrunov.
Among the important measures to intensify industrial policy and ensure favorable conditions for the development of high-tech industries, Sergey Bodrunov named: differentiated taxation, in particular, a system of tax preferences for priority developing areas, protection from unfair international competition of the most significant industries, solving the problem of sustainable provision of international financial settlements within the framework of industrial cooperation.
By tradition, the Congress presented the highest awards of the VEO of Russia — the Big Gold and Silver medals, registered by the Heraldic Council under the President of the Russian Federation and put on the federal heraldic record. The highest awards of the VEO of Russia are modeled on the first medals of the Imperial Free Economic Society, founded in 1765 by decree of Empress Catherine II.
events of the Congress were distinguished by their great scope and the level of the guests present. The course and results of the Congress of the VEO of Russia were widely covered by the federal and regional media.
Director of the UNIDO CIIC Sergey Korotkov took part in the events of the Congress, and a welcoming speech was also sent to the VEO from the UNIDO CIIC.