International Theoretical and Practical Conference «Contemporary Approaches to Rubber goods and Tires Recycling and Disposal»
June 14, 2011
On the 1-2nd of June in Moscow (Russia) the International Theoretical and Practical Conference “Contemporary Approaches to Rubber goods and Tires Recycling and Disposal” was held in Russian Gubkin State University of Oil and Gas. Conference was held in the framework of the UNIDO/Russia project “BAT/BEP Centre for environmentally safe disposal of potentially hazardous consumer products and industrial wastes”. The event was organized by the UNIDO Centre for International Industrial Co-operation in the Russian Federation, the Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation.
The conference was attended by representatives of international companies-manufacturers of automobile tires: Michelin, Goodyear, Yokohama, Bridgestone; European Tire and Rubber Manufacturers’ Association; companies-recyclers of rubber goods and tires from Portugal, Belgium, USA, Turkey, Japan, Russia and CIS, heads of the legislature in field of environment and waste management at the federal and regional levels of the Russian Federation, UNIDO experts. Totally 120 participants attended the conference as speakers and listeners. Deputy President of the Rubber Pavements Association, USA, Dr. Jorge B. Sousa was the key speaker at the conference. He also held a round table at the conference.
As the result of the conference the resolution and the program of mutual cooperation of UNIDO with the Moscow State Automobile and Road Technical University, Rubber Pavements Association, USA, were prepared. The documents included issues of training courses organization, development and harmonization of technical and project documentation for rubber asphalt with international standards, creating special independent laboratories for quality assessment of road materials with addition of crumb rubber, conducting research work and followed adoption of rubber asphalt technologies and equipment on the territory of the Russian Federation. Independent Non-profit Organization “International Centre for the Best Environmental Technologies” will coordinate the implementation of the decisions of the conference.