Visit to the “Svyaz engineering KB” plant at SEZ “Dubna”
June 28, 2016
One of the Centre UNIDO projects to support BRICS is the Project which has been worked out upon the initiative of Brazil “Russian-Brazilian partnership in the field of technologies and innovations for the small and medium-sized enterprises (with the further extension to the other BRICS countries). Within this project framework there was established the Russian-Brazilian Centre of Scientific and Technology Cooperation. Its goal is to contribute to the innovative technologies in the activity of small and medium-sized enterprises with the purpose of providing sustainable economic growth in Russia and Brazil by the accommodation of technological partnership with the support of UNIDO as the specialized UN agency.
Within this project implementation framework on the 17th of June 2016 the Centre for International Industrial Cooperation UNIDO in the Russian Federation invited the Brazil investor Roberto Viana Batista to demonstrate him the possibilities of the “Innovative territorial Cluster of nuclear and nanotechnologies in c. Dubna” in particular in the field of medical inventions, nanobiotechnologies and renewable energy. For Roberto Viana Batista there was organized the meeting with the direction of Cluster as well as the excursion to the plant of the printed circuit boards (PCB) manufacturing “Svyaz engineering KB” which is situated in SEZ “Dubna” and has been built with the assistance of Centre UNIDO in the Russian Federation in the technology selection and fund raising. The plant of PCB manufacturing in SEZ “Dubna” is one of the most modern in Europe and has the possibility to product printed circuit boards (PCB) 6th accuracy class by Russian or 10th class by European classification.
Brazilian visitor showed the great interest to several of demonstrated in Cluster technologies. The Parties has agreed upon the further cooperation.