UNIDO Russia Office (ITPO Russia) Newsletter Jule 2022
August 16, 2022
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to share with you the UNIDO Russia Office (ITPO Russia) Newsletter Jule 2022
In this issue:
- UNIDO as a platform to promote women’s economic empowerment, entrepreneurship and leadership
- UNIDO issued World Manufacturing Production Quarter 12022 Report
- UNIDO informs member states on hydrogen-related opportunities
- UNIDO and ENI support sustainable entrepreneurship in Iraq
- The UNIDO CHC supports the development of the unified system „Safe City“
- UNIDO Global Call 2022
The new edition of the UNIDO Russia Office Newsletter can be downloaded here (russian version).
Take care of yourself!
Follow us:
Facebook: @UNIDO.ITPO.Russia
Twitter: @UNIDO_Russia
Best regards,
Sergey Korotkov and the UNIDO Team in Moscow, Russia