Preparing young people and women in Jordan for a career in fashion

March 06, 2023

Preparing young people and women in Jordan for a career in fashion

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the Design & Training Services (GSC) in Jordan organized a graduation ceremony on 21 February 2023 for the closure of a successfully implemented comprehensive training program. The program is a part of “Creative Jordan“ Project to support the textile value chain to create employment and economic opportunities in Jordan.

Following a widespread call for applications, 170 participants were selected based on expert-designed eligibility criteria and results of a need assessment study targeting the right audience. The three-month, intensive training program (174 hours), which provided a professional qualification complying with the highest international standards and practices, covered the following topics: Technical and skill development training programs including Pattern Making, garment production, and digital fashion that were available for SMEs and individual designers. Business development training was provided to selected SMEs, GSC trainers, individual designers, and trainees, covering topics related to business development, marketing, and export and sourcing.

The training program provided courses, aiming to enhance economic opportunities and job creation for women and youth in the textile and fashion value chains in Jordan through capacity building.

The training program developed the participants‘ skills & knowledge in the textile value chain and business development, including marketing, export and sourcing. For SMEs to improve their ongoing business and access new markets, which will lead to new job opportunities in the sector. As for the individuals, the new skills they learned and developed through the program created new job opportunities for them, as the demand for those skills in this sector is rising. With the skills the participants learned through the intensive program will also be able to establish their micro or home-based businesses to enhance their incomes.

The ceremony included 170 participants from the garment and textile SMEs sectors along with designers who successfully completed the training program and were awarded certificates. Women represented more than 80% of the total participants in the trainings, thus enhancing their participation in this sector.

The „Creative Jordan“ is financed by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), and aims to support Jordan’s textile value chain in jobs creation in addition to boosting the country’s economy. The two fashion brands „JO! By Creative Jordan“ and „Khayt,“ that will serve as leading promoters for the fashion industry whether in local or international markets will provide technical training to aspiring participants in the value chain. The two fashion brands are the focus of one of the project’s objectives.

The prospective outcome of the project is streamlined to be in accordance with the Jordanian law and Jordan’s Economic Growth Plan 2018–2022 targets, as well as Jordan’s Vision 2025.
