E-Scrap 2010 Conference
December 06, 2010
The Electronic-Scrap Conference was held on the 29-30 th of September, 2010, in New Orleans (USA).
The E-Scrap Conference had already become the largest conference and tradeshow devoted exclusively to electronics recycling in North America. But in 2010, with over 950 attendees and 90 exhibitors from 17 countries, the conference has truly become a global meeting place.
The major topics discussed at the conference were best environmental practice, certification and auditing (emerging certification standards), processing of CRT glass and etc. Other issues being covered at the conference included the latest developments in processing technology, reuse and refurbishment techniques and policy, an overview of the latest legislative developments in the U.S. and Canada, the latest updates to WEEE Directive and other.
The conference brought together the top equipment manufacturers, processors, brokers, refurbishes, collection firms, government, non-profit and international organizations and others. The E-Scrap conference was also attended by UNIDO experts.