Expanded Board of Directors Meeting
February 08, 2017
On February 3, 2017, the Expanded Board of Directors Meeting took place in Vienna, Austria. The meeting was followed by a Board of Directors Retreat which was held from February 3 to February 4, 2017. The two meetings were chaired by Mr Li Yong, Director General of UNIDO, and attended by the directors of UNIDO’s regional and country offices and Investment and Technology Promotion offices (ITPOs), including Mr Sergey Korotkov, Head of the ITPO in the Russian Federation. The meeting was dedicated to the promotion of the 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals, and was aimed at developing a joint action plan for 2017 to foster UNIDO’s contribution to the cause, as well as enhance its organizational efficiency, effectiveness and transparency.
The meeting focused on three major areas regarding the role of UNIDO in implementing the global agenda: Operational options for SDGs implementation; UNIDO’s business models; Partnership with International Financial Institutions. Each area was covered in a separate section and was further discussed in in-depth discussions on the second day of the retreat. All in all, the meeting has served to address the key task that UNIDO is facing in 2017 – how to effectively change to meet UNIDO’s role in the implementation of a transformative agenda.